Calypso Linear Raked

Veintcut, Textured Limestone Walling

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AllClad™ Stone Tile Collection

Calypso Linear Raked AllClad™ Wall Tiles exhibit our unique machine-raked finish with a beige-neutral colored limestone that exhibits ever-so-slight veincut characteristics brimming just beneath the finish. Currently available in our native 16″x 24″ format or custom sizes. Pair with other Calypso AllClad™ Tiles with different finishes for a seamless look on both walls and floors.

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Calypso AllClad™ Limestone Tile with Linear Machine-Raked Finish is a beige-neutral limestone tile with ever so subtle wave-like veincut variations brimming beneath the surface. Highly refined for luxurious interiors. For Walls only, but can be paired with other Calypso AllClad™ products to create a seamless look between your floors and walls.

Weight 7 lbs / sf
Dimensions 16″ Tall x 24″ Long x 1.2cm Thick; custom sizes available
Exterior Rated ASTM C67 Tested & Approved, rated for exterior freeze/thaw facades
Stone Type Hardy Limestone
Care Info Standard Natural Stone Care in some use cases – For example, if interior in a high wear zone such as a backsplash, use a non-color enhancing stone sealer is recommended.
Color Description V3 Variation – Neutral Cream Undertones with coffee-colored, vein cut variations.
Corners Varies. See Installation Page or contact Surface Shop for further details.